Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Broadway Buddies

Since I’m here in NYC, I have to take advantage of one of the things it most famous for…It’s Broadway shows.  I hate doing touristy things, but this is one thing that I like to do, and of course its expensive.  So, first things first  ( I’m the realist, hehe) you gotta be looking for deals.  So I download numerous apps to keep me connected to deals, and of course the TKTS booth ( look it up), ticket lotteries, waiting list, etc.  I’ve found some good deals and so did my friend Thomas so we’ve been on a Musical kick.  I saw Jersey Boys, Book of Mormon the Musical by myself.  I got good tickets because one was a “ obstructed view”, which really didn’t affect anything, and the other was “limited leg room”, which since I’m short also didn’t affect  anything. 
Then together me and Thomas saw, Newsies, Bullets Over Broadway, Kinky Boots, and Caberet, and many more to come, well probably only a couple because there are not a lot left I want to see.
Thomas cracks me up  Whenever there are celebrities near, or if there is a limo around, he always shouts out a celebrity name.  He’ll get close to a limo and yell, “ Sarah, Sarah Jessica Parker, is that you?”, or randomly yell “Neil Patrick Harris”.  It always interesting to see peoples reaction.  We got a great one as we were standing outside the back of the show Alladin, the guy who plays the genie, thought it was hilarious, and then when we realized he heard we started laughing too.
Thomas also asked me if my purse was big enough to fit some treats  so we could sneak them into the theater for Bullets over Broadway.  I told him I’d bring a bigger bag, thinking that he would have like a candy bar or something small for me to shove in.  Oh no, I meet Thomas and he has a Duane Reade bag full of treats.  He has 2 fiji water bottles, a bag of Swedish fish, chocolate reisens, and CHEX MIX.  I was like, “ This isn’t a movie theater, we’re on the 11th row, you can’t be smacking away!”.  He just laughs at me as he rearranges my purse taking out my wallet to make everything fit….it doesn’t but we make it work anyway.  Half way through he leans over and just says “ Chex Mix”.  I was nervous but he’s a pretty quiet cruncher and you couldn’t hear him as long as people were singing.  I’m pretty sure at one point people got annoyed with us, because both couples on either side had to switch places with their other half, we were dying, oh well, we’re having fun
After the show, we stood out side for a second to see the actors come by.  I wasn’t expecting much and then all of a sudden I found myself pushed up to the front when Zach Braff came out, I gave him my phone and said, “Sorry, my hands are shakey, will you take the picture”, He was nice enough too, even though it turned out blurry, I guess I made him nervous too.  Thomas also got his photo with Zach which I found on some girls Instagram looking up the hashtag “zachbraff”.  It was a pleasant surprise and then we went on our way.  But not before we saw a really attractive cop and I had to take my picture with him tooJ

Reviews of the Shows ( Out of 5 stars)
Jersey Boys: 4 stars, it was cute.  Said the “F” word more than I was expecting, but they were “Jersey Boys”.  I think I would have liked it more if I grew up with their songs, but I was kind of familiar with them.  It definitely made me more interested in their story.
Book of Mormon the Musical: 4 stars.  It said the “F” word a lot too.  It wasn’t as south park ( they have the same writers) like as I thought it was going to be which is good cause I hate south park. I could relate being Mormon and being a missionary and all the inside jokes.  I have my ringtone set as one of their songs called “ I believe” because it gives a great intro into what Mormons believe, and cuts off at just the right time before the song turns blasphemous.  The lead actor, Elder Cunningham, was played by Ben Platt, who was the nerdy magic kid in Pitch Perfect,  he was AMAZING in both parts.  I still don’t get why people who aren’t Mormon like it though.
Newsies:  3 stars
I was disappointed.  The dancing was good, and I was expecting lots of  dancing but the guys were just too gay.  I mean, I know that all of them are probably gay anyways, because their dancing and singing on Broadway, but I just wanted them to butch it up a little bit, not point their toes so much.  I had such a crush on Jack Kelly and his voice was just too high ( he’s actually not gay in real life).  So basically the cast didn’t turn me on like the movie did.  They changed the words to the songs, and added their own of course.  The actor who played the little 9 year old kid was good, it would be hard to be young and on Broadway.  But, yeah, Newsies wasn’t my faveL
Bullets Over Broadway: 4.5 Stars

The songs were fun, there was the right about of raunchiness, it was unexpectaedly comedic, the set and costumes were great and elaborate ( love the 1940’s), and ZACH BRAFF was in it.  SOLD.
Cabaret: 2.5 Stars
So I think I was confused by what would actually be happening in this show, so the poor rating is partially my fault for lack of understanding.  In my mind I was thinking Cabaret was more like burlesque, sexy and upbeat, with songs and dancing.  When in reality it was a tragic story with drama and death.  It had some pretty heavy themes, there was an abortion and then a bunch of people died in a concentration camp at the end.  Not upbeat.  Michelle Williams was the leading lady.  She's a cute girl, but the way she talked sounded like a trembling old lady so it wasn't that great.  Emma Stone is replacing her, so that should be interesting.  Alan Cumming was the leading man and did a great job.  I probably won't see it again unless I get free tickets or awesome seats.  The theater was super cool though, it was STUDIO 54!
Kinky Boots: 3 Stars
Again, I was expecting super upbeat, drag show or something.  This also had some heavy themes and long scenes talking about them.  But, the times when there was singing and dancing, it was great.  The costumes were fun, and the leading man who played Lola, was a great actor.  It was a cute show.
Hot Cop outside one of the Shows

That's all I have for now on the Broadway front.  Hopefully, more to come.
Peace and Love Ya'll

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